27 September 2006


You remove the foam-padded headphones before leaving the room on a break. Walking outdoors, you hear a quiet, constant ringing from deep inside the tiny canals in your ears. You hope this is not a sign of developing deafness. Your music is so important, you assert, regardless of your undisciplined, sporadic practice habits. Beethoven was deaf in his later years, composing through his deep understanding of theory and tonality. He probably intuitively, instinctively remembered the sound each dot on the page made, and the chords as notes rang together. Your memory is not so sharp, your distractions are many. Deafness would be the end of your musical life. You hope the ringing is from last week's cold, rather than some type of permanent damage caused by call-center headphones. You hope.
Maybe later you should practice some music, while you still can.


Monika said...

i have a constant ringing that i swear is me going deaf from jamming earbuds in my ears to block out the constant and very uninspiring chit chat going on in the world around me.
i don't want to go deaf.
where would insipration come from then?

Anonymous said...

I keep telling myself that music will always be there. Then I realize it, like everything else, needs to be appreciated in its' time. Things change.