Ok - I just learned about a new movement called the Quiverfull Movement. These are Christian people who've decided to try to have six or more children in order to contribute to the Evangelical Christian movement. Does bearing children and indoctrinating them equal evangelizing and converting non-Christians?
Here's a paragraph from the ToiletPaper blog that got me thinking about possibilities of countering this Quiverful movement:
Jeff Sharlet sent us this link to a Nation story about the "Quiverfull" movement among fundie Christian women who consider their vaginas God's house and having babies as a way of populating God's army. All kinds of terrifying quotes like these: "Tracie Moore, a 39-year-old midwife who lives in southern Kentucky, is mother to fourteen. Wendy Dufkin in Coxsackie has her thirteen." http://www.toiletpaperonline.com/index.php.
I'm thinking we should start a similar movement to forward the "Gay Agenda" and counter this growth of Christian soldier-babies. All I need is some gay sperm, and some willing, fertile lesbians. We'll breed and create armies of gay babies to fight with their Christian babies. This project is still in the primordial ooze stage, but I think I'm on to something with potential here. We could take out full-page ads, recruit people at the mall, convert adolescents with rock music, fog and lasers... speaking of which, did anyone see the live brodcast from New Life last week?
If any of my three or four readers have suggestions, let me know. Plus, if you want to be a part of this movement forward my blog address to everyone. We also have to come up with a name - like Quiverfull - but gay.
Yes! Splendid. That's fodder for the next five years worth of info-tainment we call "news" in this country. Reach out to a hungry PR firm and I'll fetch some popcorn.
OOOO Count me in!
I will paint the signs!
Wonderful!!! I think you have a great idea. Only God can create a life so any children born to the women you propose would only be for His glory. He will make away for each one of them to know the truth. He has already prevailed victory over the enemy. What you are meaning for evil He will use for good. Thank you again. God Bless you and have a good day.
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