06 November 2012

Compart mentalize ation

Or the mathematical management of mood

Black coffee, no cream, saccharine – zero.
Apple – eighty.
Gum times three – fifteen.
Walking twenty minutes.
Was it only fifteen?
Underestimate effort.
Overestimate indulgence.
Tipping the scales in favor of failure.
Lettuce, vinegar, no croutons, celery, less than zero, according to her, and she is winning.
Black coffee, no cream, saccharine – zero.
Ruinous donuts times two lead to pastry and candy topped off with a bubbling soda to stir     the     mix.
I can’t breathe. I can’t speak. I can’t tell.
It leaves violently the way it came.
I escape. I am saved. I am gone.
How many remain? How many remain? How many remain?
Two hundred? Three hundred? Better say three.
Better safe than what lies     in     wait.
Too tired now to worry I wander unnoticed through classes.
Sleep on the bus ride to home.
Languish. Rinse. Repeat.

An extra this triggers more of that.
Addition, subtraction, obsessification no longer appeals. No longer controls.
It all blends together, churning, taunting, peeling away my resolve in long     dying     strips.
I can no longer hold it all in.
I can no longer keep it all out.
I can’t breathe. I can’t speak. I can’t tell.
I return to the source of escape. Am I saved? I’m still here.
No longer a fix.
Nothing adds up.
Nothing subtracts     quite    right.
Nothing can balance this dizzying gluttony.
Then, out of nowhere a new cure arrives and I ride this wave over my own drowning glares into     new     now.
Numbers irrelevant, minimal, managed, and I am winning.
I am saved. I am calm. I am gone.
Inhuman victory smothering weaknesses, cravings – primal     need.
Running and cleaning and chatting and chattering.
Crumbling to sleep before waking home.
Gun it! Rinse. Repeat.

Math doesn't matter though it’s always with me in case I may need it to manage my moods.
Breathe in.     Breathe out.
Sky blue.     Red soil.     Dog smiles.
Loving hands tethering keep me from flying away while I flail until wind     dies     down.
I have spoken my truth but sometimes I forget.
I have told all my secrets. No use for them here.
I have walked away knowing one look and I’d never be free.
Some moments my heart beats too fast too loud.
Breathe in.     Breathe out.
I am no longer under attack from my Self I remind my Self.
Flash-flooding memories sweep me off     my     ground.
I am buoyant, resilient, a swimmer.
Floating     flying    gliding home.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.


I think therefore I am some days confused
I think it's best I tell you what I think
I think my former silence caused such pain
I think I won't keep quiet once again
I think it bothers those who dare not think
I think, and from this thinking rises grief
I think such pain requires that I pause
I think to sift through pain will cause relief
I think some things I dare not tell to most
I think avoiding offense serves me best
I think the sifting sometimes wastes such hours
I think the better choice is let it rest
I think therefore I am some days so tired
I think these thoughts so heavy thus I sleep
I think I sleep to dream a life surreal
I think my epic dreams hold secrets deep
I think my waking days are often gray
I think illusions sleeping sweeps away
I think day life is better filled with love
I think love is distracting from ennui
I think I think too many things to know
I think I'll never know enough of truth
I think the truth sends many running scared
I think not knowing truth arouses fear
I think creating truth offers some hope
I think to hope is similar to dream
I think we only know things as they seem
I think some things beyond what we can know
I think reality an iceberg forms
I think we comprehend a bit a speck
I think therefore my words are so much dreck


This is a post. This is only a post. This is a post in a previously-deactivated, newly-activated collection of very old blog posts. The older entries here were considered amusing by some (me). Perhaps the newer posts will entertain readers or at least myself. I am generally easily amused, which, I know is ironic considering my general pessimistic cynicism about life the universe and everything. But enough about me. This is about my new (old) blog... and me. This is a post. This is the first post of 2012. There will be more as we approach the apocalypse. 

Oh - we'll have our new president-elect by tomorrow. I'm hoping Martin Sheen wins this time.